
Iraq, Afghanistan vets to hand back medals at NATO summit

Wie der Blog Iraq Veterans Against the War mitteilt, geben zahlreiche Veteranen aus dem Kreuzzug gegen Afghanistan und Irak ihre Abzeichen und Ehrungen zurück.

Zurück um ihre Schuld ein bisschen wieder reinzuwaschen.
Zurück an die wahren Mörder. An die NATO! Diese Kriegsimperialistische Organisation ist zur Zeit auf Kriegstreiber Reise mit Halt in Chicago USA.

"We, Afghanistan and Iraq veterans from around the country will converge in Chicago on May 20 to ceremoniously return our medals to NATO generals," steht es geschrieben im Blog.
"We were awarded these medals for serving in the Global War on Terror, a war based on lies and failed policies. This endless war has killed hundreds of thousands, stripped the humanity of all involved, and drained our communities of trillions of dollars, diverting funds from schools, clinics, libraries, and other public goods."

Ex Soldat Steven Acheson sagt: "I feel like this is a really good way for me to kind of, not clear my conscience, but just take a step in the direction of healing and kind of reconciling with the Afghan people and the Iraq people."

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